|&ref(Death Must Die 攻略Wiki/Blessing/Winter.png,zoom,200x200);|CENTER:SIZE(20):''Winter''|#contents|
**Blessing一覧 [#aaeb1678]
***Chilling Attack [#xadbf403]

|Chilling Attack|SIZE(14){Your Attacks become stronger and apply Chilled.}&br;&br;通常攻撃が強化され、敵にChilled状態&note(){Chilled};を与えるようになる。|Novice|1||
|~|~|''&color(blue){Adept};''|1|Attack Damage: +30% Attack Area: +11%&br;Chilled Stacks Applied: 2|
|~|~|''&color(darkviolet){Expert};''|1|Attack Damage: +45% Attack Area: +11%&br;Chilled Stacks Applied: 2|
|~|~|~|2|Attack Damage: ''&color(blue){+89%};'' Attack Area: ''&color(blue){+22%};''&br;Chilled Stacks Applied: 2|
|~|~|~|3|Attack Damage: ''&color(blue){+132%};'' Attack Area: ''&color(blue){+33%};''&br;Chilled Stacks Applied: 2|
|~|~|~|4|Attack Damage: ''&color(blue){+174%};'' Attack Area: ''&color(blue){+44%};''&br;Chilled Stacks Applied: 2|
|~|~|~|5|Attack Damage: ''&color(blue){+215%};'' Attack Area: ''&color(blue){+55%};''&br;Chilled Stacks Applied: 2|
|~|~|~|6|Attack Damage: ''&color(blue){+254%};'' Attack Area: ''&color(blue){+66%};''&br;Chilled Stacks Applied: 2|
|~|~|~|7|Attack Damage: ''&color(blue){+294%};'' Attack Area: ''&color(blue){+77%};''&br;Chilled Stacks Applied: 2|
|~|~|~|8|Attack Damage: ''&color(blue){+332%};'' Attack Area: ''&color(blue){+88%};''&br;Chilled Stacks Applied: 2|
|~|~|~|9|Attack Damage: ''&color(blue){+369%};'' Attack Area: +88%&br;Chilled Stacks Applied: 2|
|~|~|''&color(Red){Master};''|1|Attack Damage: +68% Attack Area: +11%&br;Chilled Stacks Applied: 2|
|~|~|~|2|Attack Damage: ''&color(blue){+134%};'' Attack Area: ''&color(blue){+22%};''&br;Chilled Stacks Applied: 2|
|~|~|~|3|Attack Damage: ''&color(blue){+199%};'' Attack Area: ''&color(blue){+33%};''&br;Chilled Stacks Applied: 2|
|~|~|~|4|Attack Damage: ''&color(blue){+263%};'' Attack Area: ''&color(blue){+44%};''&br;Chilled Stacks Applied: 2|
|~|~|~|5|Attack Damage: ''&color(blue){+324%};'' Attack Area: ''&color(blue){+55%};''&br;Chilled Stacks Applied: 2|

※通常攻撃が遠距離攻撃の Hero の場合

|Chilling Attack|SIZE(14){Your attack shoots more projectiles&br;that apply Chilled.}&br;&br;通常攻撃で発射される発射物の数が増え、&br;敵にChilled状態&note(){Chilled};を与える。|Novice|1|Projectile Count: +2 Damage: +21%&br;Range: -20% Velocity: -20% Chilled Stacks Applied: 1|
***Dive [#j6fe493a]

|Dive|SIZE(14){Your dash throws ice shards that&br;deal damage and apply Chilled.}&br;&br;ダッシュ時に周囲に氷の破片を発射する。&br;氷の破片は敵にダメージを与えChilled状態&note(){Chilled};にする。|Novice|1|Ice Shards: 18 Ice Shard Damage: 14 - 18 Ice Shard Range: 120&br;Ice Shard Velocity: 670 Ice Shard Pierce: 3|
|~|~|''&color(blue){Adept};''|1|Ice Shards: 18 Ice Shard Damage: 18 - 25 Ice Shard Range: 120&br;Ice Shard Velocity: 670 Ice Shard Pierce: 3|
|~|~|''&color(darkviolet){Expert};''|1|Ice Shards: 18 Ice Shard Damage: 28 - 36 Ice Shard Range: 130&br;Ice Shard Velocity: 670 Ice Shard Pierce: 3|
|~|~|~|2|Ice Shards: 18 Ice Shard Damage: ''&color(blue){46 - 59};'' Ice Shard Range: ''&color(blue){140};''&br;Ice Shard Velocity: 670 Ice Shard Pierce: ''&color(blue){4};''|
|~|~|~|3|Ice Shards: 18 Ice Shard Damage: ''&color(blue){63 - 81};'' Ice Shard Range: 140&br;Ice Shard Velocity: 670 Ice Shard Pierce: 4|
|~|~|~|4|Ice Shards: 18 Ice Shard Damage: ''&color(blue){81 - 104};'' Ice Shard Range: ''&color(blue){150};''&br;Ice Shard Velocity: 670 Ice Shard Pierce: 4|
|~|~|~|5|Ice Shards: 18 Ice Shard Damage: ''&color(blue){99 - 128};'' Ice Shard Range: ''&color(blue){160};''&br;Ice Shard Velocity: 670 Ice Shard Pierce: 4|
|~|~|~|6|Ice Shards: 18 Ice Shard Damage: ''&color(blue){118 - 151};'' Ice Shard Range: 160&br;Ice Shard Velocity: 670 Ice Shard Pierce: ''&color(blue){5};''|
|~|~|~|7|Ice Shards: 18 Ice Shard Damage: ''&color(blue){136 - 175};'' Ice Shard Range: ''&color(blue){170};''&br;Ice Shard Velocity: 670 Ice Shard Pierce: 5|
|~|~|~|8|Ice Shards: 18 Ice Shard Damage: ''&color(blue){154 - 198};'' Ice Shard Range: ''&color(blue){180};''&br;Ice Shard Velocity: 670 Ice Shard Pierce: 5|
|~|~|~|9|Ice Shards: 18 Ice Shard Damage: ''&color(blue){171 - 220};'' Ice Shard Range: 180&br;Ice Shard Velocity: 670 Ice Shard Pierce: ''&color(blue){6};''|
|~|~|~|10|Ice Shards: 18 Ice Shard Damage: ''&color(blue){189 - 243};'' Ice Shard Range: ''&color(blue){190};''&br;Ice Shard Velocity: 670 Ice Shard Pierce: 6|
***Ice Shards [#ef8a5d1b]

|Ice Shards|SIZE(14){Your Attack hits have a chance to&br;throw ice shards that deal damage&br;and apply Chilled.}&br;&br;通常攻撃ヒット時に確率で、&br;氷の破片を射出する。氷の破片は&br;敵にダメージとChilled状態&note(){Chilled};を与える。|Novice|1|Chance: 15% Ice Shards: 9 Ice Shard Damage: 14 - 16&br;Ice Shard Range: 280 Ice Shard Velocity: 1300 Ice Shard Pierce: 2|
|~|~|''&color(blue){Adept};''|1|Chance: 16% Ice Shards: 9 Ice Shard Damage: 18 - 21&br;Ice Shard Range: 280 Ice Shard Velocity: 1300 Ice Shard Pierce: 2|
|~|~|''&color(darkviolet){Expert};''|1|Chance: 17% Ice Shards: 9 Ice Shard Damage: 28 - 32&br;Ice Shard Range: 280 Ice Shard Velocity: 1300 Ice Shard Pierce: 2|
|~|~|~|2|Chance: ''&color(blue){18%};'' Ice Shards: 9 Ice Shard Damage: ''&color(blue){46 - 53};''&br;Ice Shard Range: 280 Ice Shard Velocity: 1300 Ice Shard Pierce: 2|
|~|~|''&color(Red){Master};''|1|Chance: 18% Ice Shards: 9 Ice Shard Damage: 42 - 48&br;Ice Shard Range: 280 Ice Shard Velocity: 1300 Ice Shard Pierce: 2|

***Frost Zones [#w5fd283a]

|Frost Zones|SIZE(14){On cooldown, frost zones spawn at&br;random, damaging enemies and&br;leaving a trail of frost that chills&br;enemies walking on it.}&br;&br;クールダウンごとに、&br;ランダムな位置に氷結領域が出現し、&br;敵にダメージを与え、進入した敵を&br;Chilled状態&note(){Chilled};にする。|Novice|1|Frost Zones: 3 Damage: 23 - 34 Area: 201sq&br;Frost Duration: 1.6 sec. Cooldown: 5 sec.|
|~|~|''&color(darkviolet){Expert};''|1|Frost Zones: 4 Damage: 37 - 54 Area: 201sq&br;Frost Duration: 1.6 sec. Cooldown: 3.8 sec.|
|~|~|~|2|Frost Zones: ''&color(blue){5};'' Damage: ''&color(blue){60 - 88};'' Area: 201sq&br;Frost Duration: ''&color(blue){1.9 sec.};'' Cooldown: 3.8 sec.|
|~|~|~|3|Frost Zones: 5 Damage: ''&color(blue){85 - 126};'' Area: 201sq&br;Frost Duration: ''&color(blue){2.2 sec.};'' Cooldown: 3.8 sec.|
|~|~|~|4|Frost Zones: ''&color(blue){6};'' Damage: ''&color(blue){110 - 163};'' Area: 201sq&br;Frost Duration: ''&color(blue){2.6 sec.};'' Cooldown: 3.8 sec.|
|~|~|''&color(Red){Master};''|1|Frost Zones: 5 Damage: 51 - 75 Area: 201sq&br;Frost Duration: 1.6 sec. Cooldown: 3.1 sec.|
|~|~|~|2|Frost Zones: ''&color(blue){6};'' Damage: ''&color(blue){83 - 122};'' Area: 201sq&br;Frost Duration: ''&color(blue){1.9 sec.};'' Cooldown: 3.1 sec.|
|~|~|~|3|Frost Zones: ''&color(blue){7};'' Damage: ''&color(blue){117 - 173};'' Area: 201sq&br;Frost Duration: ''&color(blue){2.2 sec.};'' Cooldown: 3.1 sec.|
|~|~|~|4|Frost Zones: ''&color(blue){8};'' Damage: ''&color(blue){150 - 221};'' Area: 201sq&br;Frost Duration: ''&color(blue){2.6 sec.};'' Cooldown: 3.1 sec.|
|~|~|~|5|Frost Zones: ''&color(blue){9};'' Damage: ''&color(blue){184 - 272};'' Area: 201sq&br;Frost Duration: ''&color(blue){2.9 sec.};'' Cooldown: 3.1 sec.|
|~|~|~|6|Frost Zones: ''&color(blue){10};'' Damage: ''&color(blue){216 - 320};'' Area: 201sq&br;Frost Duration: ''&color(blue){3.2 sec.};'' Cooldown: 3.1 sec.|
|~|~|~|7|Frost Zones: ''&color(blue){11};'' Damage: ''&color(blue){251 - 371};'' Area: 201sq&br;Frost Duration: ''&color(blue){3.5 sec.};'' Cooldown: 3.1 sec.|
|~|~|~|8|Frost Zones: ''&color(blue){12};'' Damage: ''&color(blue){283 - 418};'' Area: 201sq&br;Frost Duration: ''&color(blue){3.8 sec.};'' Cooldown: 3.1 sec.|
***Frost Ring [#g5c95e7e]

|Frost Ring|SIZE(14){Whenever you dash, there is a&br;chance a frost ring spawns from&br;you that damages and freezes&br;enemies.}&br;&br;ダッシュ時に確率で、&br;敵にダメージを与え、Frozen状態&note(){Frozen};&br;にする冷気の輪が周囲に発生する。|Novice|1|Chance: 33% Damage: 30 - 36 Area: 1000sq Cooldown: 1 sec.|
|~|~|''&color(blue){Adept};''|1|Chance: 33% Damage: 42 - 50 Area: 1020sq Cooldown: 1 sec.|
|~|~|''&color(darkviolet){Expert};''|1|Chance: 33% Damage: 69 - 83 Area: 1070sq Cooldown: 1 sec.|
|~|~|''&color(Red){Master};''|1|Chance: 33% Damage: 111 - 133 Area: 1140sq Cooldown: 1 sec.|
|~|~|~|2|Chance: 33% Damage: ''&color(blue){201 - 241};'' Area: ''&color(blue){1230sq};'' Cooldown: 1 sec.|
|~|~|~|3|Chance: 33% Damage: ''&color(blue){291 - 349};'' Area: ''&color(blue){1310sq};'' Cooldown: 1 sec.|
|~|~|~|4|Chance: 33% Damage: ''&color(blue){381 - 457};'' Area: ''&color(blue){1400sq};'' Cooldown: 1 sec.|
|~|~|~|5|Chance: 33% Damage: ''&color(blue){471 - 565};'' Area: ''&color(blue){1490sq};'' Cooldown: 1 sec.|
|~|~|~|6|Chance: 33% Damage: ''&color(blue){561 - 673};'' Area: ''&color(blue){1580sq};'' Cooldown: 1 sec.|
***Path of Frost [#ia6aa507]

|Path of Frost|SIZE(14){You move faster and leave a trail of&br;frost wherever you go that chills&br;enemies.}&br;&br;移動速度が上昇し、移動した跡に&br;敵をChilled状態&note(){Chilled};にする氷の道ができる。|Novice|1|Frost Duration: 2.4 sec. Movement Speed: +8|
|~|~|''&color(blue){Adept};''|1|Frost Duration: 3 sec. Movement Speed: +9|
|~|~|~|2|Frost Duration: 4.2 sec. Movement Speed: +19|
|~|~|~|3|Frost Duration: 5.5 sec. Movement Speed: +28|
|~|~|''&color(darkviolet){Expert};''|1|Frost Duration: 4.2 sec. Movement Speed: +12|
|~|~|~|3|Frost Duration: 7.7 sec. Movement Speed: +36|
|~|~|''&color(Red){Master};''|1|Frost Duration: 6 sec. Movement Speed: +16|
***Frost Wolves [#fac8892b]

|Frost Wolves|SIZE(14){Frost Wolves fight alongside you,&br;chilling enemies they hit.}&br;&br;攻撃した敵をChilled状態&note(){Chilled};にするフロスト&br;ウルフがともに戦う。|Novice|1|Frost Wolves: 5 Frost Wolf Damage: 24 - 38 Frost Wolf Attack Time: 0.58&br;Frost Wolf Attack Area: 120sq Frost Wolf Movement Speed: 280|
|~|~|''&color(blue){Adept};''|1|Frost Wolves: 6 Frost Wolf Damage: 29 - 46 Frost Wolf Attack Time: 0.58&br;Frost Wolf Attack Area: 120sq Frost Wolf Movement Speed: 320|
|~|~|~|2|Frost Wolves: ''&color(blue){7};'' Frost Wolf Damage: ''&color(blue){46 - 72};'' Frost Wolf Attack Time: 0.58&br;Frost Wolf Attack Area: 120sq Frost Wolf Movement Speed: 320|
|~|~|~|3|Frost Wolves: ''&color(blue){8};'' Frost Wolf Damage: ''&color(blue){62 - 99};'' Frost Wolf Attack Time: 0.58&br;Frost Wolf Attack Area: 120sq Frost Wolf Movement Speed: 320|
|~|~|~|4|Frost Wolves: ''&color(blue){9};'' Frost Wolf Damage: ''&color(blue){79 - 125};'' Frost Wolf Attack Time: 0.58&br;Frost Wolf Attack Area: 120sq Frost Wolf Movement Speed: 320|
|~|~|~|5|Frost Wolves: ''&color(blue){10};'' Frost Wolf Damage: ''&color(blue){98 - 156};'' Frost Wolf Attack Time: 0.58&br;Frost Wolf Attack Area: 120sq Frost Wolf Movement Speed: 320|
|~|~|~|6|Frost Wolves: ''&color(blue){11};'' Frost Wolf Damage: ''&color(blue){115 - 182};'' Frost Wolf Attack Time: 0.58&br;Frost Wolf Attack Area: 120sq Frost Wolf Movement Speed: 320|
|~|~|~|7|Frost Wolves: ''&color(blue){12};'' Frost Wolf Damage: ''&color(blue){132 - 209};'' Frost Wolf Attack Time: 0.58&br;Frost Wolf Attack Area: 120sq Frost Wolf Movement Speed: 320|
|~|~|~|8|Frost Wolves: ''&color(blue){14};'' Frost Wolf Damage: ''&color(blue){149 - 236};'' Frost Wolf Attack Time: 0.58&br;Frost Wolf Attack Area: 120sq Frost Wolf Movement Speed: 320|
|~|~|~|9|Frost Wolves: ''&color(blue){15};'' Frost Wolf Damage: ''&color(blue){168 - 266};'' Frost Wolf Attack Time: 0.58&br;Frost Wolf Attack Area: 120sq Frost Wolf Movement Speed: 320|
|~|~|''&color(darkviolet){Expert};''|1|Frost Wolves: 7 Frost Wolf Damage: 36 - 57 Frost Wolf Attack Time: 0.58&br;Frost Wolf Attack Area: 120sq Frost Wolf Movement Speed: 320|
***Shivers [#z72601cb]

|Shivers|SIZE(14){Your Status effects last longer.}&br;&br;状態異常の持続時間が延びる。|Novice|1|Status Duration: +16%|
|~|~|''&color(blue){Adept};''|1|Status Duration: +19%|
|~|~|''&color(darkviolet){Expert};''|1|Status Duration: +24%|
|~|~|''&color(Red){Master};''|1|Status Duration: +32%|
***Frostbite [#cb840f38]

|Frostbite|SIZE(14){Your Status effects deal more damage.}&br;&br;状態異常による与ダメージが増加する。|Novice|1|Status Damage: +11%|
|~|~|''&color(blue){Adept};''|1|Status Damage: +13%|
|~|~|''&color(darkviolet){Expert};''|1|Status Damage: +16%|
|~|~|~|2|Status Damage: +33%|
|~|~|~|3|Status Damage: +49%|
|~|~|~|4|Status Damage: +66%|
|~|~|~|5|Status Damage: +82%|
|~|~|''&color(Red){Master};''|1|Status Damage: +22%|
***Thaw [#tf07ca70]

|Thaw|SIZE(14){You gain attack damage for each immobilized enemy.}&br;&br;行動不能状態の敵が1体存在するごとに通常攻撃のダメージが上昇する。|Novice|1|Attack Damage: +12%|
|~|~|''&color(blue){Adept};''|1|Attack Damage: +14%|
|~|~|''&color(darkviolet){Expert};''|1|Attack Damage: +18%|
***Icebound [#eaf748d9]

|Icebound|SIZE(14){Immobilized enemies take more damage.}&br;&br;行動不能状態の敵により大きなダメージを与える。|Novice|1|Damage: +60%|
|~|~|''&color(blue){Adept};''|1|Damage: +70%|
|~|~|''&color(darkviolet){Expert};''|1|Damage: +90%|
|~|~|''&color(Red){Master};''|1|Damage: +120%|
***Shatter [#m73d1ccd]

|Shatter|SIZE(14){Chilled and/or Frozen enemies&br;below a certain life threshold&br;instantly shatter and die.}&br;&br;Lifeが一定割合以下のChilled状態かFrozen状態の敵が&br;瞬時に砕け散って死ぬ。|Novice|1|Life Below: 9%|
|~|~|''&color(blue){Adept};''|1|Life Below: 10%|
|~|~|''&color(darkviolet){Expert};''|1|Life Below: 13%|
***Frozen Treasure [#kb7a5789]

|Frozen Treasure|SIZE(14){Whenever you kill an elite or boss&br;Frozen or Chill immune enemy,&br;there is a chance that it drops an&br;additional item.}&br;&br;Frozen状態&note(){Frozen};か、Chilled状態に免疫のある&br;BossやElite Enemyを倒した時、&br;確率でアイテムを追加で落とす。|Novice|1|Drop Chance: +20%|
|~|~|''&color(blue){Adept};''|1|Drop Chance: +23%|
|~|~|''&color(darkviolet){Expert};''|1|Drop Chance: +30%|
|~|~|''&color(Red){Master};''|1|Drop Chance: +40%|
**Legend Blessing [#fc2c9456]
Legend Blessingは、Masterレアリティが提示された際に、低確率で出現する場合がある。
***Frost Dragon [#g3c298f2]

|Frost Dragon|SIZE(14){The blue dragon fights alongside you,&br;chilling enemies with its breath.}&br;&br;敵をChilled状態&note(){Chilled};にする&br;氷の息を吐く青竜を召喚する。&br;状態異常の種類ごとに増加する。|''&color(orangered){Legend};''|1|Dragon Breath Damage: 300 - 450&br;Dragon Attack Time: 1.04&br;Dragon Breath Area: 600sq&br;Dragon Movement Speed: 420|

***Hoarfrost [#v4efce1a]

|Hoarfrost|SIZE(14){Enemies take more damage for each&br;status they have applied to them.}&br;&br;敵の被ダメージが、その敵の持つ&br;状態異常の種類ごとに増加する。|''&color(orangered){Legend};''|1|Damage: +66%|

***Chill to the Bone [#ub3ef9c5]

|Chill to the Bone|SIZE(14){Reduces the Chilled stacks needed&br;to freeze an enemy.}&br;&br;敵がFrozen状態&note(){Frozen};になるまでに&br;必要なChilled状態&note(){Chilled};のスタック数が減少する。|''&color(orangered){Legend};''|1|Chilled Stacks: 3|

*コメント欄 [#z19977f6]

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