
体に装備する防具。重量に応じて Light, Medium, Heavy の種別があり、種別ごとに装備可能なHeroが異なる。

Magnetic BreastplateHeavy---** Armor
+** Shard Pull Area
Magnetic Breastplate of CuringHeavy---** Armor
+** Heal on Level Up
+** Shard Pull Area
Wise BreastplateHeavy---** Armor
+**% More Experience Gain
Wise Breastplateof VigorHeavy---** Armor
+** Life
+**% More Experience Gain
Curing Breastplate of RevisionHeavy---** Armor
+** Heal on Level Up
+*.*% Spell Duration
+* Reroll Dice
+**% More Experience Gain
Divine Breastplate of RevisionHeavy---** Armor
+** Heal on Level Up
+*.*% Luck
+*.** Passive Experience Gain per Second
+* Revivals
+* Reroll Dice

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