
頭に装備する防具。重量に応じて Light, Medium, Heavy の種別があり、種別ごとに装備可能なHeroが異なる。

Specialist HelmHeavy---** Armor
+**% More Expert Offers
Archon HelmHeavy---** Armor
+*.*% More Master Offers
Specialist Foot Helm** Armor
+*.*% More Expert Offers
Concluding Foot Helm of Vigor---** Armor
+** Life
+**.*% Damage to enemies at 50% Life or more
+**% Spell Speeds
+*.*% More Expert Offers
Fabled Foot Helm of PerpetuationHeavy---** Armor
+*.*% Spell Duration
+**% More Legend Offers*1
Vigorous Foot Helm of The ArchonHeavy---** Armor
+** Life
+*.*% More Master Offers
Ignoring Skull Helm of The ArchonHeavy---** Armor
+**% Luck
+*.** Passive Experience Gain per Second
* Alteration Dice
+*.*% More Master Offers
Specialist Kabuto of MagicHeavy---** Armor
+*.*% Spell Damage
+**% More Expert Offers

    *1 Legend Offers can only spawn on Master Offers

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