*Hero/Kront [#l0b558ad]
**初期ステータス [#g65e00e0]
**Talent Trees [#g3f8e8b2]
|&ref(Tenacity.png,nolink,zoom,50x50);|Tenacity|>||&ref(Pummel.png,nolink,zoom,50x50);|Pummel|>||&ref(Experienced Prescience.png,nolink,zoom,50x50);|Experienced Prescience|
|>|1/5: Life: +03%&br;2/5: Life: +06%&br;3/5: Life: +09%&br;4/5: Life: +12%&br;5/5: Life: +15%|>|~|>|1/5: Damage vs No Barriers: +03%&br;2/5: Damage vs No Barriers: +06%&br;3/5: Damage vs No Barriers: +09%&br;4/5: Damage vs No Barriers: +12%&br;5/5: Damage vs No Barriers: +15%|>|~|>|1/2: Alterations: +2&br;2/2: Alterations: +4|

**装備可能Item [#g0f8d49f]
**Achievements [#n1bd1def]
||The Sign of The Tornado|Krontで25体の敵を1度の攻撃で同時に倒す|
||The Sign of The Meteor|Krontで50体の Shielder を倒す|
||The Sign of The Earthquake|Krontで elite enemy のバリアを1撃で破壊する|
||The Sign of The Mountain|Krontで50体の The Necromancer を倒す|
||The Sign of The Tsunami|Krontで400のクリティカルダメージを1撃で与える|

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